CHANGES: Unveiling Illustrated History

“Changes, The Dawn of a Revolution” is a historical illustrated book that vividly depicts how Flt. Lt. Rawlings broke out of custody on June 4 1979 to lead a popular revolt which redirected Ghana’s political and socio economic destiny. Within the brief period of AFRC rule under the chairmanship of Flt. Lt. Rawlings the entire nation was mobilised and galvanized, aimed at purging the armed forces and society at large, of corruption and graft as well as restoring a sense of moral responsibility and principles of probity and accountability in public life.
Human history before the invention of writing, has come down to us in the form of art work, for example the numerous prehistoric cave paintings and drawings that abound all over the world, testify to this fact. The illustrated book, Changes: The Dawn Of A Revolution, conveys a vivid impression of the legendary Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings not only in the part he played in Ghana’s June 4th Revolution, but further engages our attention with background information which enhances his personality as a heroic figure.
Apart from the historical content and the moral context, the aesthetic value of the book cannot be overlooked.
It is said that the height of civilized attainment of a nation is consonant with the quality of its artists as well as its scientists. The artist’s concept of the world and his attitude towards life, is the basis that renders his artistic creation. The content of ‘Changes’ is genuine to the effect that the mastery of the technique of drawing by Professor Kwame Addo, the author/ illustrator of this book , for expressing the imagery of the 4th June drama; reveal the trait of his power of expression that recognizes and exposes
graphically the exemplary leadership that the book seeks to portray.
The significance of this book lies in its graphic character to the extent that persons who cannot read and write can see and understand the events that unfolded during that period in Ghana’s
history. Also pupils of early school going age can also read and understand the drawings and in fact could serve as one of the ways of revealing to them right from childhood, what exemplary and visionary leadership is all about.
This captivating illustrated book reconciles us, both young and old, with our history, as our nations in Africa continue to rediscover the true essence of democracy; reminding us of the people’s power and their desire to survive in a free, just, and accountable society. As expressed by the author at the end of the book….”But the effect these changes will have on
Ghana,….only time will tell.”