Hundreds Thrilled At Atarah Praise 24 Hosted By Prophet Joseph Atarah

Hundreds turned up at this year’s Atarah Praise held at the forecourt of the Believers Grace Crown Ministries International at Adenta Barrier last weekend.
The event held under the theme, “Praising God for his acts of power Psalm 150:1” is an annual event aimed at winning souls for the Kingdom of God.
Prior to the main performances, an opportunity was given to some amazing young singers to minister to the gathering. This saw Mag Narh, Anointed Michael, Nana Kwartemaa, Richard and West African Senior High Choir mesmerise the gathering.
Patrons enjoyed unforgettable ministrations from gospel heavyweights such as Patience Nyarko, Lady Prempeh, Akesse Brempong, Jack Alolomi, Mabel Okyere, Piesie Esther and Empress Gifty.
They took patrons through some of their amazing compositions and rocked them with some unstoppable praises.
The time everyone was waiting for came, when the man of the moment, Prophet Atarah took his turn on the big stage.
Clad in Blue and Yellow Military-like apparel, Prophet Atarah proved why he is the singing prophet.
He performed songs from his repertoire including ‘Woye Odo’ together with Piesie Esther.
Prophet Atarah expressed his appreciation to all for their diverse support in making the programme a success.
@wysebrain1 @Prophet Joseph Atarah performs Woye Odo with @piesieestherofficial at Atarah Praise 24 #wyseshots
By Edem Mensah-Tsotorme