Remarkable Listening Session Held For “Nkyinam”, A Newly collaborated Song From Euni Melo And Sika Peli ( detail & Photos)

A Notable listening session was held for ” Enkyinam” , a newly project by the sensational uprising dancehall diva Eugenia Laryea widely identified with the stage name EEuni Melo and Kumasi-based artist Sika Peli.
“Enkyinam” Is collaborated song about to-be released by the” lyrical layaness” , Euni Melo And Sika Peli after formally announcing her presence in the music circle with her single smash hit song ‘Obanami” which has gone viral and still winning hearts nationwide.
On Sunday 27th of January 2019, A listening session was organized at the residence of the Popular Online Marketer and media personality , Mixtic RomRas to seek the honest opinions of their fans on the upcoming song .
The listening session saw quiet a surprising huge turnout of fans who came through to listen and shared their feedbacks which were of course positive and encouraging.
Concept Of The Nkyinam Song
“Enkyinam”, a Akan word which literary means “Fry Fish” has a deeper meaning to it than the ordinary word in the content of this song
The promising Dancehall artist , Euni Melo and Sika Peli coined this word to creatively illustrate some crucial events of individuals’ daily life .
To tell the story of their Futile Attempts to make ends meet for survival and the challenges they encountered before finally getting their “Nkyinam” ( Success or daily meal) delivered by God.
They simply appreciate the fact that God is their provider in this new song
This new record from the dancehall layaness and the Kumasi-based melodious singer is just the needed inspiration and perfect remedy for any downhearted person.
Production was done by Afrique Eye Records ( AE Records)
Fans of the talented Dancehall Diva and Sika Peli should anticipate a great jam from her , Release date of this song will soon be disclosed.