

Then A Banker, Now A Millionaire Writer

Follow me! A change of government brought a lost to his career. What would he do; if he finds no job in banking again?

He dreamt becoming a millionaire in the banking sector as he practices for five years now. This outrageous mess nearly gave him shatterbrain.

He applied to other banking organizations around and hoping to be called for an interview to resume work any moment soon but seemed the whole hoped for kept drizzling without a call.

One day, scrolling his Facebook post as stamped upon my articles and books written by me. Quickly, he messaged me to inquire if I can mentor and coach him to write. Humbly responded and questioned.

Me: Any passion or interest in writing?

He answered, ” Yes I have and ready to write.”

Me: How long have you practiced this banking business?

He replied, “5 years now before the lost.”

Me: What kind of books and writing do want to go into?

He sound boldly, “Loan getting and Investment books.”

Me: Okay, I will coach you at a reduced price of ¢500 cedis in just five days.

“What…it too expensive, let me give you ¢400 cedis please and please – replied by him.

Me: Okay… agreed. When are you ready to start?

Responded hurriedly, “Tomorrow!”

The next day, he called and I took him through my 5 practical steps formula for writing book within two or five days.

Congratulations 👏! Today a millionaire writer and bestseller.

Have you any passion to writer book; bestselling book within five days or more?

Godfred Deemacdan

Godfred Deemacdan, a full-time freelance book writer and publishing consultant with 5+ years experience. I specialized in writing blogs and articles for nonfiction websites, literary agencies and publishing companies. I cover topics related to book writing, self publishing, back cover description, book launching, book promotion, sales and more. My promise? Great content, no complain!

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