We need songs from the throne room of God – IOna Reine preaches as she switched from secular music

Ghanaian songstress IOna Reine has come out to renounce her love for secular things and now focus to promoting God’s work.
In a live video monitored on her wall, she recounts how God has been faithful to her after going wayward with her life and now coming back as a “prodigal son” using the parable in the Bible Luke 15: 11 -32.
Iona Reine says she is now passionate about the word of God and she will be using her voice to sing songs from the throne room of God that will change life and lead people to God.
When asked if she will have a change of name, she gave the meaning of iona Reine which translates “Blessed Queen”, “So there is no need changing from that name but if the Holy Spirit decides on that I will gladly do that”.
She recounted how God used her as an instrument to save the life of an unborn baby during delivery”.
The singer has asked fans to expect a spirited single from her soon that will touch many lives when released.
The singer is mostly remembered for songs like Gyaime, could this be love, obra etc.
Enjoy her live video below