Album Review! Onipa su album by Daaduam Nwom – Mixtic writes

The album is a masterpiece with 15 great tunes accompanied with great melodies and soothing rhythms reflecting the indigenous Ghana highlife.
The album is great considering our most prioritized Ghanaian singing style of mixed life, stories and love pleasures.
I realized daaduam is a great fan of legendary daddy Lumba and he set up the album is the Lumba way even though it’s different, it gives us that nostalgic feeling of Daddy Lumba and All 4 real.
Secondly he didn’t acknowledge the female back up singer on come & com, a flaw I discussed with him on phone which led to the search for the legendary Nana Ama Adadziewaa
I urge all and sundry to always acknowledge the works of back up singers and honor them when they deserve.
Kudos for such a masterclass