Build Us a Studio, Film Village and Event Auditoriums – Mixtic Plead to DR Ohene and Turkish Billionaires

In a post sited on Facebook today, entertainment critic and Publicist Abdul Nasr known in showbiz as Mixtic RomRas made 3 key entertainment proposals to a Ghanaian business man with gis Turkish counterparts on how they can invest into Ghana entertainment as part of their investment plans, he made this post in reference to a post by an industry guru Kelly Nii Lartey Mensa which revealed that Dr Ohene was discussing with some Turkish billionaires on how to create an investment chain.
See Kelly’s post below
Charles Ohene Kwame Frimpong is a Ghanaian astute serial entrepreneur with many businesses and a charity organization to his credit.
The young African investor owns and runs the SALT Media Group — owners of SALT 95.9 FM in Agogo in the Ashanti Region, May Day Entertainment, and
With businesses in media, entertainment, transport, real estate, food, and beverages among others in Ghana and abroad
Mehmet Ali Atiker is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Atiker Group of Companies, one of the successful business gurus in the world.
Whiles Mehmet Ali Atiker is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Atiker Group of Companies, one of the successful business gurus in the world.
Baba Mehmet Ali Atiker is also head of one of the most powerful brand families of the business world.
Baba Mehmet Ali Atiker is also head of one of the most powerful brand families of the business world.
Mixtic who has the industry at heart in his post said,
see post below