His words were soo Strong, an Orator, a visionary, with the youth at heart, spoke passionately with high emotions as he tried to empower the youth of some selected Senior High Schools in the Ashanti Region.
Business mogul and Entrepreneur Charles Ohene Kwame Frimpong on Friday 11th March,2022 had a youth empowerment visit to Collins senior high school, Agogo state college and Owerriman senior high technical school in the Ashanti region.
The successful business man encouraged these young students to take their education very serious and work hard for everything is achievable and look beyond academics.
“Education is very important but it doesn’t determine one’s future and it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take it serious”, he said.
He also gave a pledge to reward three (3) best behaved students, one from each school, Oweriman SHTS, Akim state college and Collins senior high school will be taken abroad on a fully funded scholarship to study and also encouraged the student to do right to all person, believe in God and work hard.
Ohene Kwame Frimpong is also a great philanthropist who takes care of hundreds of students, orphans, aged, and widows each year through the Smart Frimpong Foundation. The young Ghanaian investor owns and runs the SALT Media Group — owners of SALT 95.9 FM in Agogo in the Ashanti Region, May Day Entertainment, and Saltfmonline.com. He also runs a real estate business, owns KLF Forex Bureau at Spintex in Accra, and an African Restaurant in Chicago, USA.
He also owns the Smart Group of Companies, which has the Smart Hygiene Sanitizer as one of its flagship products. Ohene Kwame Frimpong is the Executive Chairman of Wealthbridge Limited, the owner of the famous Kub’s Original Bofrot Puff Puff where he is the majority shareholder.
View Excepts from the trip here