Chairman! As he is widely known by his business partners and colleagues had a lot to say after a one on one interview with youngprs.com today at a private residence.
After series of his success stories were published here on youngprs.com, a team was sent to Dr Ohene Kwame Frimpong to have a one on one discussion with him about his recent exploits in terms of his Ghana Turkey business relationship.
The CEO of Salt Media was very accommodating and in a very casual manner had an opened discussion with Tinalove Nayram and Mixtic of youngprs.com.
He was asked about his trip to turkey.
He replied : It was a great success and trust me, this is a fete no one else have been able to achieve, he turned to his manager Dr Kelly and said to him “God has been grateful to us”
He was asked how people reacted to the news?
Dr replied, Well this is Ghana where for many reasons, one have to blow their own horns because people are not ready to blow it for you, he added that, imagine he was arrested for drugs in Turkey, like by now, his story is all over the internet and every key news portal in Ghana.
Youngprs.com went further to probe how he achieved that?
Dr made reference to a call on how a friend of his had to call him to remind him of what he has been able to achieve because there are many other business people who have failed to attract the attention of the Turkish billionaire He Ohene Kwame Frimpong had the business meeting with.
Dr Further mentioned that his newly constructed Mosque for the people of Agogo would witness his Turkish partners honor the inauguration ceremony.
Dr spoke high of youngprs.com and charged all other media platforms to stay professional like they do.
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