I got depressed because of my kids and not for the love of big buttocks – Funny Face

Actor and self-styled ‘Children’s president’ Funny Face has smaller the widespread speculations that he got depressed because of his ex-wife’s big bortos.
In an interview on Daybreak Hitz on Hitz FM, the father of twins explained that after he was separated from his kids, he went out of control because of his immense love for them.
Buttocks didn’t take me through depression, the love of my children took me to depression. I was so crazy about my daughters to the extent that when they were crawling when they fall and cry I cry too,” Funny Face explained.
In the middle of the on-air radio discussion, Funny Face confessed that spending time in the psychiatric hospital helped him heal.
naturally I am an emotional person and I love people’s kids deeply, so, how much my own? So, when they were no more with me I couldn’t take it, I lost it. Their toys are in the room and when I see (them), my triggers go level 10, it was that bad.”
When I went to the psychiatric hospital and they told me ‘you do not have a problem, yours is your emotions. When you get a grasp of your emotions you are okay. Your kids, everybody knows you do everything for them, so currently start working on yourself, focus on your mental health’.