Interest Of Rising Artists: “Establish The Upcoming Musicians Association of Ghana To Benefit Young Acts And Be Branded Well” – Dannie Black urges

Great oaks from little acorns grow. Nothing great today was same great from it’s inception.
So will the establishment of ‘Upcoming Musicians Association of Ghana’ go through the mill to attain greatness and relevance someday. Even the mother body- MUSIGHA didn’t attain it’s current prominence over night. A group of musical, business and brands cartel came together to make it happen as we all cherish it despite its challenges.
One would ask whether it’s necessary to form a music body comprising of only upcoming musicians since there is an existing mother body? Yes, I say. This will go a long way to unite and create a strong relationship among the young ones before they attain the seniority level.
However,it also aids the young ones to gain some form of experience in their musical lives and in positions before the advance level. As a publicist with, I’m much concern about the promotion of the young talents who most often find it’s difficult getting platforms to sell themselves. The creation and well branding of the aforementioned union will attract sponsorships to cushion our budding acts.
Let’s not forget this marketing saying, ‘How you dress is how you are addressed’. I vividly recall the passion and interest of it last year. Astute colleagues like Mixtic,Kobby Gossip, Germaine, Frederick,TinaLove and the rest at were ready to give their full support if established. Not forgetting some arts stakeholders, brilliant brand minds like my good friend Kwame Dadzie, Mic Yamoah, Jay Brown and Nesta Erskine who waited with batebreath to push this agenda to it highest heights.
Folks, nothing ventured, nothing gained is an aphorism therefore let’s come together and make this a super reality for the advancement of our musical foundation.
The world music industry is evolving and only the smart, proactive and pragmatic practitioners can make indelible marks. It’s ACTION TIME, comrades.
Source : Written by Dannie Black