It Takes Only A Fool To Deny The Existences Of God – Bishop Nana Obiri Yeboah

Speaking on Sunday’s sermon on Spiritus TV, Bishop Nana Obiri Yeboah stated clearly the importance of God even if things are so bad for us. According to the man of God, before you open your mouth to say something either being positive or negative, you should acknowledge that God gave you life and therefore should respect him.
He further narrated how his close friend denied the existence of God due to the sufferings he is going through. Bishop advised that God has a plan for everyone and at his own time he will show himself and also bless everybody.
Bishop Nana Obiri Yeboah is the founder of O.i.C Ministry International Church which is located at Spintex. His church is set to host a mega all-night service and has invited you to their special 31st
December Crossover watch night.
He teaches on Spirtus TV. Speaking on his three-day impartation program, he emphasised that the young generation shouldn’t take God for granted. The common sense family is one of the societal problems. They have always debunked some of the teachings and the existence of Jesus. With Ben Avram Oshey as their master brain, the association keep buying airtime from stations and broadcasting their beliefs.
Bishop has made it clear, it is only fools who says in their heart there is no God. Follow him on Facebook @Bishop Obiri Yeboah