It is the most trying times in Ghana as the COVID-19 pandemic, keep spreading its wings without mercy.
The government of Ghana, in its bid to combat this virus, in its addresses, has put out some great measures in ensuring the safety of Ghanaians. The most striking, is what has been given to the kayayees and the homeless.
Head potters, (kayayees) and people living on the streets of Ghana, has been given shelter and lucrative amount of money including daily meals in sustenance of their upkeep and avoidance of rapid movement.
This news when broken to Stacy Amewoyi; founder of Stacy Foundation, philanthropist, humanitarian and author, was nothing but soothing to her ears and as such, is sending her profound gratitude to the government in acknowledgment to its good works toward the vulnerable in Ghana.
She says, it comes but relief to her as a humanitarian, “I was torn between two as to what to do because looking at the situation in Ghana, the only means of survival by these people, were to beg and carry loads of people they came across, but as to how they were going to survive during the lockdown tore me apart. With what the government has done I must say thank you and encourage them to do more for the less privileged”. Stacy professed.
Stacy as well appreciated the levy taken off water bills and the slash of electricity bills off the shoulders of Ghanaians making it easier even in this hard times. She added, in as much as the government is doing its best in putting things in place, she is urging all Ghanaians to go about the safety measures seen on TV and heard on radio so as to keep themselves safe from this virus.