Veteran highlife musician Ben Brako in a Facebook he made has registered his displeasure against our system of governance which he described as ” broken and seems obvious to have no plan” , the gross tribal bigotry and our “hopeless Politicians”.
He also explained that per “The way things are going we will end with unnecessary hatred and dislikes for our various tribes and people , instead of the sensible matured way of working in unison to attain growth and progress whilst celebrating the vibrancy of the differences between our cultures and traditions.
Having made this in-depth analysis , the celebrated artiste charges our chiefs and rightful traditional Leaders to quickly take back control before the “hopeless Politicians” betray our culture as people.
Here is his full write up :
Our political party system of governance is broken. Seems obvious that there is no plan. The only plan visible is for the politicians to milk our people to the max. We don’t even seem to understand and appreciate our situation. The way things are going we will end up with unnecessary hatred and dislike between our various tribes and people, instead of the sensible mature way of working together in unison to attain growth and progress whilst celebrating the vibrancy of the differences between our cultures and traditions. Can’t we get in it in our thick intellectual heads that Ghana is an artificial construct by the Europeans who have also bequeathed us with a government system that is not only alien to our people, but designed to ensure that we cede all our advantages and unity to our ‘masters’. For crying out loud, isn’t it obvious that the Ewes in Ghana are the same people and relations with the Ewes in Togo? Why are we so quick to attempt differentiating one group of people who through no fault or design of their own find themselves broken up into 2 different countries? The same scenario applies all over Africa, and yet our miseducated dumb misleaders carry on as if they are not aware of this fact. The tribes that find themselves in the majority tend to want to ride roughshod over the minority groups. Some idiotic politicians actually rain insults on minority groups as if they are undesirables encroaching on the good nature and superiority of the majority in power. And the party leadership seem incapable of calling out such idiots. This is the shameless face of party politics all over Africa which is tearing communities apart and leading to the desire to break up these artificial countries. Think western Togoland. Think Biafra and many others. Unless and until we recognize that we do not need foreigner adversaries to determine the size and shape of our countries, lives and systems of governance, we are fast going in the direction of self hatred and destruction. How come our over-pampered elite ‘ intellectual leaders can’t see the wisdom and depth of our traditional cultures? They seem to cling tenaciously to this idea of our culture being primitive, as compared to their idea of a ‘modern’ European system.
The system doesn’t work. We need a reset before it is too late. Great GDP figures mean nought when our people are hungary, homeless and without any health-care system and cover. How blinkered does one have to be to realize that the hopelessness is endemic? Our traditional leaders have to stand up to these hopeless politicians and take back control. Our system requires that we, the people, have to pressurize our Chiefs and Elders and empower them to take control. We are being sold down the drain whilst these thieving piliticians keep on partying. We should make it abundantly clear to these politicians that they are supposed to serve us and cater to our needs, and not to help themselves to our resources whilst our people perish.