A minute of your time
Its wrong to make private conversations public but i wish uncle Orignal K. K. Kabobo
Would pardon me on this.
As an astute lover of reggae music, i haven’t seen or heard any Ghanaian artiste of my Era do reggae music as was done by Mr K. K kabobo
He is the most unique reggae artiste this country ever raised, his style missed with humor is just unquestionable.
Now see below this chat details
When he released Adwoa gyasiwaa, i listened to the song same day he scheduled the release.
I listened to the song on repeat and was doing critical comparative analysis of how he has metamorphosed over the past 30+ years as an artiste.
1 thing was missing in his new record which was his trademark wooish
Now i drew his attention to it here on Facebook, critically explaining to him why i miss his touch without that trademark scream.
Can u believe the legend with high humility revisited the studio to also listen and realized i had a point.
He remastered the song with the trademark and resent me a personal copy on WhatsApp this morning.
Interestingly, it was his first chat with me after requesting for my contact just this morning.
Wow wow wow
Such a huge man of integrity…
Now i said to him
And i quote “U are my dad ‘s favorite so to me too.
Ur uniqueness have always made me follow ur works for over 20 years.
I watched u perform with a live band at GTv years back.
I felt i missed ur entertainment in the new song when the woissh didn’t come in”
God bless u uncle
And kindly forgive me for exposing our private convo
I just couldn’t help it
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