Current Hit Songs in Gh, Gyaime by IOna Reine, listen

Just like a mirage, it never appeared songstress iOna Reine would be one marked by many to have a great song like Gyaime, strangely many have heard about her with lots of doubts here and there due to some misrepresented informations about her brand and abilities.
Interestingly her song is moving very fast with the speed of light, after concerns were raised on its sampling concerns and all.
The song is growing bigger by day, with many positive remarks being received around the country and beyond.
If there was a prophecy that she would get such a big performing song 4 days ago, i wonder if she would have believed that herself anyway yet she has really got the jam right and working in her favor.
If we are ready to receive them for their good works, guess they would surely reach far like she is gradually moving.
Kudos songstress, keep the fire blazing
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