Eastern region songstress Jane A Gh reported pregnant and her manager not happy about it.

Eastern region songstress Jane A Gh reported pregnant and Her manager not happy about it.
Self acclaimed Queen of the East, popularly known as Jane A has been reported pregnant.
The talented and multi-skilled female songstress who has dominated the Eastern Entertainment industry ever since she announced her presence with songs like “Papa No” “Haters” among others is said to be expecting a baby after management has invested a lot of resources in her craft.
As sighted in a Facebook post, the manager to “Jane A” has expressed his disappointment after wasting his resources, Time and investment on her without getting anything in return.
“Am very disappointed in her, she waste my money, my time in fact my life, come see it queen of East”, He said.
View via the link below https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2228769300624137&id=100004732663806
As to what lies ahead between the two parties we are yet to get the details.
Fans and followers of Jane A are asking who the mystery man is.
Youngprs wishes Jane A a safe and delivery.