My clothes are finished – Ajagurajah bows to Osebo The Zara Man in a fashion challenge.

The fashion beef between Bishop Ajagurajah and Osebo The Zaraman has finally ended as the spiritualist concedes defeat in a statement on social media.
For weeks the two celebrities have given their social media followers different shades of dressing for their supporters to judge who has the best fashion sense.
Conceding defeat Ajagurajah wrote” Ladies and gentlemen, loyal supporters, at this juncture, I think the brave thing to do is to cede the Title of Fashion Messiah to my brother Osebothezaraman. We have had a wonderful contest no doubt but we all know my specialty is spirituality, so I need to leave the fashion business to him. Thank you for all the love. It was great because of you guys. Still #Ajagurajah movement”.
In response Osebo the zaraman replied “Osofo u can’t do that to me ooo. I’m not done with you ooo 🤣🤣 please come back I beg you 👏👏”
Ajaguraja counter replied, “My clothes are finished”.
See post below