Meet Banzy Banero, The Orphan Now Singing Hossana

Born Francis Nii Ayi;ah, music has been the getaway route for a life of tragedy and sorrow faced by
young Ghanaian musician Banzy Banero. The young singer who grew up in Osu infuses in his
everyday music the happenings in his life and believes his story is best told in his music.
As a kid growing up in Osu, Banzy faced the wrath of life as the responsibility of manhood was placed
on him when his father died at an early age. His 14-year stay in Osu was then cut short due to this
turn of events. Together with his mother and family, he migrated to Teshie.In the space of 3 years,
however, Banzy Banero’s presence on Earth was going to be defined by the unfortunate incidents in
his life. He was faced with the s;gma of being called an orphan amongst his peers as he lost his
mother 3 years aVer they arrived in Teshie.
Banzy Banero’s meteoric rise in the music industry serves as a reminder that extraordinary dreams
can be achieved with determina;on and talent. His unique sound, combined with his commitment to
making a posi;ve impact, sets him apart as an ar;st with a promising future. To his credit, he has
songs like High Spirit, Sabali, and his TikTok-enhanced hit Hossana which has climbed the music
charts and made great numbers across all musical platorms.
To Banzy Banero, his journey reminds the world that some;mes, the most remarkable stories are
born from the unlikeliest of circumstances. With his smashing hit and unwavering determina;on,
Banzy Banero inspires a genera;on to pursue their passions and never give up on their dreams.
As Banzy Banero con;nues to enchant audiences with his music, there’s no doubt that he will leave
an indelible mark on the industry. Keep an eye out for this sensa;onal ar;st, as he is set to
revolu;onize the music scene with his ar;stry, passion, and hear\elt melodies. His song Hossana is
his Thanksgiving to God for his journey so far through life’s obstacles. Embed below is the link to
Hosanna by Banzy Banero