Quit Gym: Have Frequent Sex – Dr Amuzu

Dr Amuzu Herbal Clinic is a Sex specialist Clinic which deals with only sexual related diseases.
A representative of the clinic popularly known as “Obaa Sima” on an interview with Kesben TV _final whistle sports show_ stated emphatically that “you are free if you have SEX frequently and don’t need to exercise or go to gym”.
Obaa Sima declared that having sex 5 times a week prevent men from prostate cancer and other related cardiovascular diseases. Is this true? .
She also added that the overweight people should engage in regular Sex because sex burns cholesterol faster than any medicine.
However, she cautioned that people with Diabetes, High Blood Pressure should resist from the practice because it may cause death on the journey.
Have SEX 5 Times A Week and Stop Gym
Leonard Lewis Quainoo