Accra100.5FMs Doctar Kay wins 2019 FOKA Award

Accra100.5 FM’s Drive Time host, Doctar Kay, has won the 2019 FOKA Facebook Award for being active and engaging with his fans and listeners on the social media platform.
Doctar Kay thanked his listeners and assured them that he would churn out educative programmes that will impact their lives positively and push Ghana on the international scene.
“This year has already started, so, I’m pleading with you all to support the brand massively and God will bless you,” he said.
The FOKA awards, organised by FOKA Records, signify recognition of excellence. It rewards outstanding feat and serves as a public acknowledgement of people’s exceptional skills and talent that inspire others and impact society positively.
The award scheme is designed to reward patriots and key individuals on Facebook, who are largely ignored, in spite of the fact that they have the loudest and most popular posts on Facebook.
Doctar Kay believes “nobody does a hotter drive time show than me”.
“I’m the only presenter still doing the shouting and powering on radio as far as drive time is concerned in Accra.”