10 Realistic And Unrealistic Relationship Expectations One Should Know

10 Realistic And Unrealistic Relationship Expectations One Should Know.
We all enter relationships expecting that it wil turn out great. However some expectations are unrealistic and it can lead to heartbreaks. Here are 10 realistic and 10 unrealistic expectations we enter relationships with.⠀

10 Unrealistic Expectations.
1. The nice feelings will last forever. ⠀
2. We will never fight or disagree.⠀
3. He/She is perfect.⠀
4. Our beloved will never desire another person.⠀
5. Love should be effortless and natural.⠀
6. We will like the same things.⠀
7. Our beloved will stay the same.⠀
8. All you need is love
9. My beloved will never betray or hurt or disappoint me.⠀
10. If he/she loves me, he/she will know what I want; I don’t have to tell him/her.⠀
10 Realistic Expectations.⠀
1. Feelings change; they are not forever.
2. Conflict in relationships is normal.
3. You are relating to a human being, a flawed human being.⠀
4. Love takes work; it will not take care of itself.⠀
5. Priorities in our lives depend on many things – our circumstances; our health; our goals.⠀
6. You and your partner could be tempted.⠀
7. You will not always understand your partner.⠀
8. You may not see eye to eye on a lot of issues. ⠀
9. We will talk through issues.⠀
10. My partner has needs I have to meet.⠀
These are a few pointers to having a great relationship. Your partner is a human, just like you. 10 Realistic And Unrealistic Relationship Expectations One Should Know, If you’re truthful to yourself, you’ll admit that you have flaws. So is that other human being you’re dating or married to. ⠀